Saturday, February 13, 2010


It snowed on us last night. We're getting ready to go to Savannah for a show at the end of this coming week, but I had to stop to look at the beautiful snow fall. This is a shot from the front of the house looking out. I love the muffled sounds that come with a snowfall. I hear it so seldom. I enjoyed this very much.


circleinthesand said...

OH my goodness!!! It's beautiful!!!! So quiet and peaceful!!!

Beth said...

I have to admit, its very pretty and peaceful, but glad its not me. LOLOL enjoy, great pic

Anonymous said...

Very peaceful looking. Enjoy.

Kim said...

Great photos! (lol) Welcome to my world!

On a Whimsey said...

sssssssssh! Hear the stillness and see the beauty

Zuda Gay Pease said...

It is beautiful!! I'm not tired of snow yet. I'm so glad you got some to enjoy!

Julie G. said...

Mike, that is beautiful! What a great shot, it would make a beautiful card or photo for sale. The way the sun is so pale in the background and the heavy snow on all the branches.....makes me miss Wisconsin!

MylesofSmyles said...

Your schedule only lists one show and I thought I remembered seeing one in Columbia between now and Christmas. Is that still on?