Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Need a new Heart????

So, February is pressing in on us and I'm making hearts as fast as I can. I accepted slots in two shows for the first week in February and it's really not as fast as I'd like. These things take more time than it looks like they would. It's all about prep work. Mixing the cane up to make the colors I'm looking for seems to take forever. I'll post one or two so you can see what I'm talking about. They're looking good so far I think. Glad you stopped by to see what I'm up to.

Hearts, Hearts, More Hearts!!!!

Monday, January 7, 2008


Man oh man.....time is flying past. I tried some new stuff this last week-end. One was a bird feeder. I have it hanging outside right now and as soon as I find out if birds will actually eat out of it, I'll start making some. They are pretty cool. I also made a batch of new pendants recently. I put a couple up on Etsy. http://www.gimmebeads.etsy.com/. Go check them out. Here's one that's up there. It looks great out in the sun. We've named it Double Dahlia, even though the spelling is questionable.